We are the Evolving Sisters Network

A global community of awakened women leading with their sacred power, freeing their voices and restoring wholeness to themselves and the planet.

Become a Member for only $27 a month.

Be a Part

of a grassroots movement of activated divine feminine women

Be Seen

for your innate radiance and unique gifts

Be Empowered

so you can expand your influence and your impact

We’re going through a profound collective shift.

You know this.

As old power structures fall away, new opportunities to influence and lead arise, and yet the future is not guaranteed.

But we do have a say. And, your life — with all its pain and hardship — has prepared you for this exact moment.

Whether you live in deep connection to your purpose or you’re fighting to reclaim your voice, you know it’s going to take going all in, and you don’t want to do it alone.

If you are seeking a way to answer the call in community — to step up, to raise your hand and be counted, to stand for the feminine principles of love, unity, service, care of Mother Earth, and abundance for all so that everyone wins.

THIS is your sacred call to action

The Evolving Sisters Network is the place where the everyday woman steps into the leader that she truly is, owning her authority, and claiming her slice of influence.

“Behind every great woman is another great woman.”

– Kate Hodges

The Evolving Sisters Network is a safe space to explore your soul’s callings in deeper service, empowered by the support system of sisterhood.

When you become a member, you will receive the community and connection with like-minded women that you long for, plus rich opportunities for healing, growing, mentorship, and, ultimately, paying it forward through service and leadership — inside the network and in the world.

Become a Member for only $27 a month.

What Does Membership Look Like?

Master Class & Course

Impact Circles

Leadership Incubator

Apprentice Training

Gatherings & Ceremonies

Member Spotlight

Elaine Sullivan-Child

Elaine Sullivan-Child, London UK

Hairdresser and Embodiment Oracle

“If I were to say 5 characteristics about me before I started the Inner Circle, it would be: self critical, very anxious, a fear of being seen, unsure of my purpose, and terrified of Sacred Technology (emails, internet, Zoom, Facebook LIVEs). In my journey [with the Evolving Sisters program], I did my first ever Facebook live, my first ever zoom call, my first time actually making a video of my healing talents – because I didn’t know what my healing talents were – and being in that sisterhood, allowed me to be my authentic self while being supported in the most amazing container. And so from that, a whole year later… and I am now leading online circles, I’ve been asked to co-host a retreat abroad… And I’m actually living my dream.”

Giselle Carr

Giselle Carr, Trinidad

Sustainability Brand Specialist

“I’ve been in sacred containers with Kenlyn and the Evolving Sisters for 2 years now, and it’s been a place where I can be seen, express myself, heal, feel validated in what I’m feeling, and be emboldened to share my gifts in such a way that I stand in my value and in my purpose. I’ve grown so much in my confidence that I’m on fire to help eco-companies create empowering brand strategies.”

Alessandra Azcarraga

Alessandra Azcarraga, California, USA

Medicine Woman & Grandmother

“When I first met Kenlyn I asked her to coach me into stepping into my professional mission as an empowered woman, and I joined a variety of her offering from Divine Feminine groups to business leadership. I was on a mission to reclaim my self worth and still had some conditioning to un-do, especially around money, career and my relationship with women. I was so motivated given I have 3 amazing girls and I wanted to set the right example. It worked! Today, my daughters are powerful and graceful women, and I’m a grandmother and a medicine woman who owns her power along with her compassion. I’m also a leader – maybe not in the traditional way, but in my own way – holding space for humanity and Mother Earth. I’m stepping into the Leadership Incubator & Apprenticeship to keep rising and to support other women in their empowerment through the Evolving Sisters Network.”

Jen Yang, Taiwan

Jen Yang, Taiwan

Introvert & Coach for Highly Sensitive Leaders

“I have participated in other circles, and I have to say that I have received more than I expected by far in the Inner Circle with Kenlyn. The material is focused enough that I have grown in an area that has been very difficult for me in the past (finding my purpose and passion in a realistic way) and also open enough that it fits for anyone’s vision. Kenlyn has delivered more than what was promised and has spent extra time after calls and with bonus calls to help us grow and develop. Her passion, energy and commitment to empowering the divine feminine is always shining through.”

Evelyn Moniram, London, UK

Evelyn Moniram, London, UK

Sovereign Unto Herself Embodiment Coach

“I joined…because I was very good at showcasing other people’s work – but I knew I wanted to create something that was my own, and I wasn’t sure how. I didn’t believe it was possible to bring my ideas to life. And now I feel confident that I can. I found the clarity I needed. I joined the Business Mastery to create my own business, and now I’m stepping into the Leadership Incubator and Apprenticeship to uplevel my leadership. I just keep going, and it’s absolutely, without a question, the best thing I’ve done for myself.”

Jen Broyles, Texas, USA

Jen Broyles, Texas, USA

Beyond Breathwork to Badass Feminine Leader

“If you have that feeling deep inside of you that you’ve been looking for a group like this and you want that connection with other women on a deep level – the Sisterhood is it. And you’re worth it.

…I had been praying for a group of women like the inner circle for months… but I had a hard time investing in myself. I had to take a deep look inside and say… Yes, I deserve this. Yes, I am worth investing in. And I did it. I made the leap. And it was one of the best things I’ve done for myself.”

Sandi Melland, Washington, USA

Sandi Melland, Washington, USA

Grandmother of Earth and a Beautiful Granddaughter

“When I came in, I was… I don’t even know what I was. I felt like this tiny little thing just sitting in the corner hiding. And just barely trying to do something in this circle gave me permission to give myself permission. To allow myself. I realized I had so many certifications just from living through life. And it was time to invest in myself… I didn’t have the money. But I thought to myself – ‘How could I not?” At this point in my life, I have invested in everything else in life except myself. It is time. And spending the money, putting it into myself, it felt so good. Because, finally – I was learning how to love myself. And that was something I never did.”

Clare Dash, Devon, UK

Clare Dash, Devon, UK

Trauma Therapist & Artist

“I had always shied away from my power because I had seen so many people abuse theirs, and I defined leadership as “power over”. It was never a word that I used to describe myself. I’m more of an empath who feels it all – which has made me a good therapist but also less assertive than I’ve needed to be. In programs with Kenlyn and the evolving sisters, I discovered the true meaning of leadership – it’s really owning and standing in my authority. That new definition has helped me make the shift from hidden to visible and to claim my expertise and the gifts and wisdom I bring to my clients. I now know I have something of value I want to communicate. I’m excited to step into the leadership incubator and apprenticeship to support women in owning their authority and leadership, too.”

Zunaira Qutab, California, USA

Zunaira Qutab, California, USA

Harpist and Earth Goddess

“Kenlyn and the Sisters create such delicious energy that I can just show up as me and feel totally accepted and loved, with nothing to prove or hide.”

Dr. Oshunkemi, California, USA

Dr. Oshunkemi, California, USA

Radical Self Care Coach and African Dancer

“I recently just came into this container, and I felt accepted and welcomed as if I knew everyone for a long time…maybe lifetimes. When I tune into the energy field of the Evolving Sisters Network, I get a deep sense that something BIG is happening here.”

Myrna James, Colorado, USA

Myrna James, Colorado, USA

Artificial Intelligence Ethicist and Publisher

“I’ve known Kenlyn for a long time. I was probably one of the first women in her circles years ago and have witnessed the evolution of her work – culminating in the Evolving Sisters Network. There’s no one I trust more than Kenlyn to create a supportive container of women all over the world to connect, grow, and lead. We come with our own stories – I started as a young woman selling advertising for magazines in a highrise in Chicago. Now I’m sitting at the table with movers and shakers creating ethical standards for the future of AI. It’s a huge responsibility. I would never have claimed my voice and right to be at that table if it weren’t for all the work I’ve done in these circles and the support of the sisterhood.”

“Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born”

– Anaïs Nin

Become a Member for only $27 a month.


The Moon and You


Live in harmony with the whole, activate your
soft-power, and fully claim your inner truth.