Do you want to get the replays?

Your time is valuable. Would you like lifetime access to the activations from the Live event plus an additional 30+ (not publicly available) inside the Goddess Convergence Vault?

Check out my Special Offer…

Healers, Shamans, teachers and guides from all over the world came together to make Goddess Convergence even more epic. We didn’t have room to do it all inside the 5-Day live event, so we created a Goddess Convergence Vault just for you.

👉 For only $9 you can get lifetime access to everything in the 5-Day Live Event and the 30+ additional activations

OR – even better – you can even get it ALL for FREE by joining the Evolving Sisters Network Membership.

Secure Checkout. 7-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Because these activations are stored in the Goddess Convergence Vault waiting for you…they’re not available to the general public.

But I want to give you a sneak peek inside the Vault and let you in on our private conversations among presenters —

Meet Angela Schuster. Here are a few screenshots of her Light Code Activation – Have you always wanted to know what’s a Light Code? Well, Ang is your teacher. 

Here’s what Ang said when she took her peek inside the Vault:

Don’t miss Angela’s 15-minute activation in the Vault:
A Light Code Activation that Ignites Your Inner Vitality and Deepens Your Connection to Spirit and Your Divine Purpose.”

Another presenter is Laura Rose, who received rave reviews from the sisters for her singing activation. She gave this activation even though she’s home on maternity leave with her new baby.

Check out Laura’s musical activation inside the Vault:
The Sensuality of Singing with Laura Rose: Receive Your Innate Wisdom and Intuition Through the Power of Your Own Voice” 

And, one more! I love these so much that I’m excited to share them all with you inside the Vault.

Shakti Sharma, a divine transmission for the feminine shakti divine, said this:

👉 For only $9 you can get lifetime access to everything in the 5-Day Live Event and the 30+ additional activations

OR – even better – you can even get it ALL for FREE by joining the Evolving Sisters Network Membership.

Catch her activation inside the Vault: “Awaken your Shakti — a Channeled Goddess Activation for Visionary Leaders to Tap into New Inspiration, Aliveness and Feminine Creative Power.

The divine energy in this Vault is off the charts, representing a new wave of feminine leadership, expression and light codes to amplify your inner goddess.

And it’s yours for only for only $9 OR Free inside the membership

Secure Checkout. 7-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Thank you so much for being a part of a profound awakening of the goddess within – in all her many forms. Together we can change the world!



Founder, Evolving Sisters Network
Creator, Goddess Convergence