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Empower Your Evolution

Struggling to find your purpose-driven sisterhood on your spiritual journey? This community is for feminine visionaries seeking a sacred space to awaken, heal, evolve and manifest a new earth, together.

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A new world starts with you pouring into yourself, your feminine, and your evolution. First we awaken as an individual, then we awaken as a collective.


Does this sound like you?


You’ve experienced a profound spiritual awakening, but the busyness and overwhelm of day-to-day life often leaves you feeling spiritually disconnected


You try to attend spiritual events and workshops when you can, but usually feel like an outsider and leave yearning for a true sense of belonging


You’re on a deep healing journey from past traumas and you’re seeking a safe space to release suppressed emotions and regulate your nervous system


You enjoy spending your free time diving into spiritual practices, but you crave real-life conversations and to share the experience with sisters who resonate


You’re tired of surface-level interactions and relationships — you desire deep, nourishing, soulful connections with sisters who you can break down with and trust they’ll be there to catch

You’re looking for a sacred place where you can answer your inner calling to serve while being supported by a strong network of empowering sisters.

And now you’ve found it.


Let me guess…

You’ve been navigating this journey on your own for a while now.

Maybe you’ve even gotten used to the solitude because it’s always been this way.

Whether going through divorce, career transitions, family situations, or other significant life changes alongside your spiritual awakening — it hasn’t been easy.

Now, you’ve realized that walking this path alone isn’t only daunting, but also limiting. You’re yearning for connection from like-minded sisters who can truly see you as well as the support of a guide who can hold your hand through the ebbs and flows.

You know that your mission is so much bigger than just you and that your spiritual journey is more meaningful when it’s experienced together.

Your intuition is nudging you to find your sisterhood and claim your space among the feminine collective.


I get it because mine was too.

My story goes like this…

I grew up without strong feminine role models – in fact, I had no concept of the feminine. I had a deep need to prove myself and feel worthy — so it was no accident that I became a lawyer.

While this career path strengthened my leadership and confidence, it also amplified my feminine wounding. Practicing law at a corporate law firm was as dry as a bone. Although I didn’t know it then, I was craving feminine nourishment, purpose and meaning in life.

I remember the day I got laid off during the “dot-bomb” era of the early 2000’s. I was elated. I felt as if I had been given a new lease on life, even though I had no idea what was next. Little did I know, my spiritual awakening and healing journey was awaiting me.

As I began to unravel, I unearthed a profound sadness, deep-seated fears of losing control and an aversion to being vulnerable, even among my sisters. Yet, I didn’t give up.

I distinctly remember a transformative journey with plant medicine in a circle of women, where I confided to the group, “I’m afraid you’re all going to kill me and send me down the river.That admission was a watershed moment for me – not only had I never said it out loud, but their response began to loosen the cement around my heart. They formed a circle of love and understanding around me as I sobbed, releasing the wounds of a lost feminine, just being reclaimed.

Fast forward through many twists and turns, and it’s no coincidence that I’ve now established a global platform for women’s healing, empowerment and connection. The scars of my past have healed enough to be a shining lighthouse for other women and a stand for feminine leadership. I’ve softened, and my vulnerability doesn’t scare me. I know in my bones that we are in this together – that our flourishing is intertwined.

This was my soul’s mission, now it’s time for our sacred community to support you in fulfilling yours.

Tell me sister:

What’s your soul calling you towards?



Sharing your stories, dreams, and fears without fear of judgment in a circle of women. A sisterhood where vulnerability is celebrated, and each member uplifts and empowers the other to embody their truth.



A safe place for you to shed layers of pain, shame, and societal programming in order to emerge in your wholeness on the other side. A community that facilitates deeply emotional, feminine embodiment, and spiritual healing practices and techniques for you to participate.



Answer the call to step up and lead in the new earth, where your unique feminine gifts and talents are honored and activated for the greater good. A space that allows you to manifest your purpose and is committed to co-creating a more compassionate and harmonious world for all.

This is everything that awaits you inside the Evolving Sisters Network Membership.

Secure checkout. 7-Day Money-Back Guaranteed.

Until now, you’ve walked this path alone…

But it’s sisterhood that will take you deeper than ever before.

Hear from the sisters themselves…



A monthly membership for spiritually awakened women to fulfill their soul’s mission, find healing in community, and lead in the new earth with their feminine wisdom.

Secure checkout. Cancel at any time.

What Members Say

Veronica – Actual Member of the Evolving Sisters Network Membership

“I’ve been sifting through several sisterhoods, and I aligned with the depth, wisdom, authenticity and integrated spirituality of ESN. Thank you for all that you’ve poured into it.” –Veronica

“As always this session was otherworldly…it was a transmission from you to us.”
–Katie K

“I want to share with everyone how much I enjoy these conversations…they are very very powerful.” –Lori Grace

“It’s fascinating how potent this space is and how trustworthy it is just having this deep connection.” –Rebecca

“It’s magical to have a place where we can truly bring our souls to the table, and you can be totally honest and have people just acknowledging and giving love. This is what I need.” –Sandra

Angela — Actual Member of the Evolving Sisters Network Membership

“This platform of sisters gives us a real way to get into deeper conversation.”

“I always feel so leveled up when I leave here.” –Sandi

The Sunday group has become quite meaningful to me 🙂 The resonance and synchronicities are remarkable for me… And the safety and compassion that is present has allowed me to cry healing tears already many times! Thank you again for all your leadership.” –Alexis

Here’s what you’ll get when you join:

Monthly Live Sisterhood Activations

Join Founder Kenlyn Kolleen for a monthly live session on topics like healing trauma, boundaries, the divine feminine, and more. Nurture your spiritual growth through journal prompts, practices, guided meditations and teachings intended to heal and uplift all beings while connecting you to your sacred feminine.

Monthly Live “Activate Your Inner Healer” Session

Receive the codes to your own healing gifts. It’s time to remember and restore our natural healing abilities. Not only to heal your heart — but to actually heal your body.

You’ll be guided through a potent session with the creator of ESN’s flagship course on trauma – Transforming Trauma, The Feminine Path to Unleashing Your Innate Potential & Activating Your Inner Healer with Trauma Therapist and Healer, Clare Dash. Step into your next-level gifts and discover the practices and techniques to heal your body, mind and soul.

Vault of Teachings and Courses

Inside our membership portal, you’ll find a host of recorded teachings and courses, such as Introduction to the Gene Keys: How to Understand Your Unique Destiny and the Goddess Convergence Vault with over 40 activations from real-world women, like you.

In addition, a new upcoming addition will feature a section of inspirational messages for the times you need them most to boost your energy and validate your soul’s path. It’s a reminder of your sacred purpose and mission here.

Monthly Networking & Collaboration Call

Are you ready to accelerate the success of your projects and sacred mission through sister support and collaboration? Join our monthly networking and collaboration call to share your project, learn what others are envisioning and manifesting and find mutual support.

Monthly Priestesses of a New Earth Visionary Circle

Are you a frequency holder of new earth? Do you know that you’re called to bring new earth into manifestation here and now?

If this is you (or you desire to be that), join a monthly visionary circle of women who have gathered for that very purpose – to call forth a new earth through their intentions, visualizations, aligned actions and reverence for Mother Earth.

Monthly Free Course

Get access to one of the Evolving Sisters Network mini courses for free each month. Explore topics such as divine feminine archetypes, the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, the Map of Consciousness, the 10 Faces of Trauma in the Feminine, Healing the Mother Wound, Womb Wisdom, spiritual practices to open the directions, Breath Work for Self Worth and many more.

Quarterly Book Circle + Surprise Guest Speaker

Each quarter, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in a book club with community members to explore themes of the divine feminine, Gaia Codex, Mary Magdalene, Green Tara, healing trauma, avatars and archetypes, and much more. Often, the book club will conclude with a surprise guest speaker and Q&A session.

Your Own Membership Portal

In the membership portal, you can manage your account, access the event calendar, and find all Zoom links easily. Missed a session? Replays are available for you to watch anytime.

Plus, these special bonuses:

Bonus 1: $10,000 Challenge: How to Receive Abundance with Grace (10-Day Audio and Videos)

Get video and audio access to one of the most popular and effective teachings inside of the community: Kenlyn’s 10-Day $10,000 Challenge: How to Receive Abundance with Grace. Many sisters reported serendipities and miracles in effortlessly receiving cash money. Amplify your feminine abundance receptor sites and open to the field of Grace.

Bonus 2: The Moon and You: Embodying Feminine Leadership Through Living the Moon Cycles Guidebook

Align with the Moon and amplify your Feminine Leadership. Download this 28-page intention-setting guidebook and calendar that tracks the 13 New and Full Moons of the year, with specifically curated Keynotes and Power Statements for each Moon.

This guidebook shows you how to work with the cosmic energies and comes with prompts for your New Moon Intention and Commitments and Release and Gratitudes for the Full Moon.


Monthly Membership Fee


Instant access to vault of courses


3x monthly LIVE sessions & healings


Private ESN community for ongoing support and connection

Secure checkout. Cancel at any time.


Annual Membership Fee



Instant access to vault of courses


3x monthly LIVE sessions & healings


Private ESN community for ongoing support and connection

Secure checkout. Cancel at any time.


What’s this membership all about? What do you do?

Membership inside of the Evolving Sisters Network is about your individual and our collective healing, empowerment and feminine leadership inside of a sacred sisterhood. We share, we connect, we reveal our truths and feelings, we meditate, we visualize, we dance, we explore teachings, we do practices, we invoke the divine feminine, we listen, we love, and we celebrate who we are and who we are becoming.

What if I can’t attend all of the live events?

Our membership has a lot of variety, so think of them as options not requirements. Start where you’re drawn, and put it in your calendar. Let your connection with the sisters grow, and take it from there. Even if you did just one call a month, you’d still get your money’s worth. We also have on-demand courses, workshops and replays that you can listen to on your own time.

What if I don’t know anyone in the membership? Will I feel like an outsider?

We love new women to join us! Many women come to the membership not knowing anyone but soon feel at home as they are welcomed by the other sisters and take the time to come to the events. If you’re looking for a place to deepen your growth and evolution, you’ll love how effortless it can be when you’re in a sacred space with like-minded women.

Can I cancel or get a refund? How do I do it?

Yes, it’s a membership, so you can cancel at any time. Your cancellation is effective on your next billing cycle – every 30 days if you pay monthly or the next year if you pay yearly. You can also get a refund if you notify us within 7 days or less of your purchase. After the 7 days you won’t get a refund, but you can cancel your membership for the next month. You can manage your membership subscription inside the member portal at my.evolvingsisters.com.

What is the Evolving Sisters Network?

The Evolving Sisters Network is a global platform supporting women to lead with their sacred power, free their voice and live their feminine frequency. We offer 1) a membership for spiritual women (the one you’re looking at); 2) the Creator’s Academy for coaches and healers who want to make a course for sale in the Evolving Sisters online marketplace; 3) a leadership program for emergent feminine leaders; and 4) mini-courses to support your spiritual and personal growth.

Need support making your decision or still have questions?

No problem! We’re happy to help. Send us an email to support@evolvingsisters.com and we’ll get back to you soon.

The Evolving Sisters Network is a legacy online platform to support and expand the empowerment and emergent leadership of divine feminine women to free their voices, heal the past and own their power through curated courses, inspired writings, sister circles, a community-based membership, the Creator’s Academy, and evolutionary feminine leadership training.