Stop struggling to monetize your unique gifts and start sharing your magic by creating, launching, and selling your own transformative course.

Secure checkout. 7-Day Money-Back Guaranteed.

Let’s cut to the chase…

You’ve had enough of:


Feeling stuck and questioning how to claim your space in the online world — you know you have a valuable body of work but you don’t know how to monetize it.


Doubting yourself and second-guessing your capabilities. You can’t help but feel triggered when you see less qualified individuals gaining the influence and having the impact you desire.


Waiting for your turn to make a meaningful impact and share your passion with the world but feeling completely overwhelmed by the steps to get there.

You know it’s time to take action on your burning desire to put your work out there in a bigger way, so you can have a greater impact on the lives you touch.

You are a mystic with a message — and you’re ready to share it.

And there’s never been a better time.


Revenue from the creator economy is projected to double by 2027.

Millions of women worldwide are packaging up their skills, knowledge, and gifts into online courses and digital products that they can share with a bigger audience. This movement isn’t solely about profit — this is about the global realization that you CAN do meaningful work you love, share your magic with those who need it, and make money doing it.

More people than ever will be investing in digital products in the coming years.

Will yours be among them?

The Creator Economy is only growing, and there’s room for you here too.


Inside the Creator’s Academy, you’ll not only learn how to turn your genius into a digital course, but you’ll also get the pieces to make it profitable that no other program provides:

The audience to share it with and the stage to share it on…

… For only $97/month.

You’re a mystic with a message, and it’s time to unearth your gifts.

That’s why you’re here, isn’t it?

There’s a whisper in the back of your mind – poking and prodding you that this is something you need to do. There’s a deep knowing that there’s more for you to contribute to this earth, and in this lifetime. The thought of ignoring the call to your greater purpose has become unimaginable to you now.

But maybe there have been technical, or creative, or mindset blocks standing in your way that you can’t find a way to break through.

Let us worry about that..

All you need to do is tap into your magic, and we’ll show you how to transform it into a digital product that is a tangible manifestation of your gifts.

But before you do…


There are two obstacles that may be blocking your path forward…

#1. Creating a course is complex.

When I started building courses for the Evolving Sisters Network, I had no idea what it would take. It looked easy, so I thought it was. I hired a team of writers, designers, developers, and marketers to help me since I had little to no skill in those areas. 

What I discovered was a lot more complicated. Not only did I have to orchestrate timelines and budgets, but, wow, was it expensive. So, I get it – go into debt or do it yourself. Neither are powerful options in today’s world.

Then there’s this…

2. Creating a course doesn’t guarantee you’ll sell it.

Trying (and failing) to sell a course that you’ve already invested your hard-earned money, time, and soul into making is disheartening. And unfortunately, it happens often because creating and selling a course are two very different things. 

You might possess profound healing gifts, but without everything in place to effectively market and sell it (like a list to sell to or an ad budget), you won’t reach the people you were destined to impact.

… So, why am I telling you this?

The truth is:

If I had to navigate this journey alone as a solopreneur… I probably wouldn’t be where I am today.

Instead of turning my purpose into a profitable business, I would have:


Stayed stuck in decision paralysis at the first block in my path, like not knowing how to choose the settings in my course platform.


Waited too long to take action on my desires, doubted that i had anything of value to contribute, and found other, more “important” things to distract me.


Naively followed all the advice online, trying to piece meal solutions together, without getting personalized guidance about how to have the business I wanted to create.

… And I want to save you from the same, with a lot more support from the very start.

I personally spent the last 5 years mastering the skills, building the platform, finding the team, and gathering the audience to make selling courses a success –so you don’t have to.

You have everything you need to monetize your unique genius for just $97/month starting today.

Secure checkout. 7-Day Money-Back Guaranteed.

If that sounds like something you want, this is where everything is going to change.

Grab yourself some tea. Exhale and relax for a second. Because you’re about to meet your next collaborative partner.

“Creating a course with the Evolving Sisters Network was way more than just creating a course. I found my voice, owned my authority and gained so much confidence that it spilled over into all the other areas of my life.”

Here’s my story:

“Although I desired to share my body of work – trauma and healing – as an online course, I didn’t know how to do this in a way that embraced my truth and wisdom – it noticed I was playing it safe and simply repeating the ideas of others. The deeper truth was that I didn’t trust myself, and needed everything to be highly planned and scripted to keep me feeling safe. Even though I had decades of skill and experience as a therapist, I still couldn’t speak in front of the camera without crying. I wasn’t used to being the center of attention, and it was terrifying. 

Inside the program (that’s now called the Creator’s Academy), Kenlyn supported me with her expertise and practices to break down what I wanted to communicate and how. That structure  helped a lot. And, what really supported me was her intuitive understanding of who I am and the message I carry. I started to see myself through her and the other women’s eyes. As I took on this challenge, received feedback and did the inner work that I teach others to do, I found my voice and began to trust myself. Not so long after, I realized, “Hey, I really do know a lot.” Since then I’ve created 2 courses for ESN.

And, that’s not even the best part. My whole life has improved – I’m living in my power and regularly take on new challenges. I just feel confident that I can figure them out. I allow myself to be seen and speak up in groups – that’s huge for me. I’m also much more spontaneous, and I only say “yes” to the things that truly light me up. When I look back, I’m a totally different person, and I can’t believe making a course did all of this. WOW! I’m so grateful.”

~ Clare Dash, Healer, Therapist & Trauma Expert and Evolving Sisters Network Founding Member

Course Creator of Transforming Trauma: The Feminine Path to Unleashing Your Innate Potential & Activating Your Inner Healer and the 10 Faces of Trauma Mini-Course

This is exactly why the Creator’s Academy exists

You have sacred medicine that we both know the world needs.

But the hard truth is: Successfully packaging up your gifts and selling them in the online economy probably demands more emotional and financial resources – not to mention marketing expertise – than you have.

… Until now.


A peek at your journey

The Creator’s Academy makes it simple.

Step 1: Unearth Your Gifts

First, you’ll work through our signature process to pinpoint your unique gifts, talent, skill and the medicine you’re on this earth to share and get crystal clear on the transformation you provide. Then, we’ll give you everything you need to turn your magic into a digital product that’s not only irresistible to your soul clients but also delivers the results they crave. It’s like being in a business program but with lots of love and support.

Step 2: Master Your Marketing

Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to expand your reach and visibility, inside the Creator’s Academy, you’ll grow your magnetic online presence one step at a time. This includes in-depth guidance and sought-after strategies on social media, email marketing, and content creation designed to attract and convert your ideal clients. 

Check out our testimonials – what we do and the way we do it really uplevels your brand.

Step 3: Monetize Your Magic

This is what makes this program so special.

Hosted by the Evolving Sisters Network, you’ll get access to an engaged community of women who want to buy the digital courses and products you want to create.

What sets the Creator’s Academy apart is this opportunity to sell your course on our platform and to participate in collaborative events, such as the Goddess Convergence summit.

The Creator’s Academy represents a new model of collaboration with teachers, coaches, healers, therapists and lightworkers – mystics with a message – to radically change the way business is done.

Turning your sacred medicine into digital products that support transformation, healing and evolutionary feminine leadership and getting it out to a larger audience is what the Creator’s Academy is all about.

Here’s what will happen when you join:

You’ll illuminate your path to purpose

Having external support from like-minded women who can see your truth and recognize your sacred gifts will only strengthen your clarity and conviction. You’ll understand what you need to do, your purpose on this planet, and the impact you’re here to have — and the world will too.

You’ll own your innate value

No longer will you wonder why people don’t understand the value of your gifts or why your work isn’t selling. You’ll confidently communicate about what you do and the transformation you provide in a way that fosters interest, trust and connection with the people you serve.

You’ll unlock your creative potential

Navigating self-doubt and stuck energy when it comes to pursuing new ideas and passion projects will be a thing of the past. You’ll fully tap into your unique genius and embody your innate potential. Plus, you’ll discover the step-by-step process of materializing your vision into tangible form, which will benefit you again and again.

You’ll claim your spot in the creator economy

With your newfound clarity, confidence, and creativity — you’ll be ready to share your gifts with a broader audience. You’ll learn how to effectively market and sell your course to the people you’re meant to help. You’ll establish your presence in the online world, and make a real difference – while making money doing it.

You’ll get the tech and marketing help you’ve always wanted

When you license your course or digital product to the Evolving Sisters Network for sale on the platform, we do most of the heavy lifting after your course is complete.

If you did this on your own, you’d spend hours making your course and then you’d have to market it. We create the sales page, set up the email sales and delivery automations, set the price, manage customer service requests, and get the word out to our list and affiliates. This alone is worth thousands of dollars.

Sounds like a dream come true, right?

Secure checkout. 7-Day Money-Back Guaranteed.

Can this really work?

Take a look for yourself at our collaborator case studies:

In August 2023

We launched our first course, Many Mothers: Healing the Mother Wound and Beyond. We had 7 affiliates, and 66 people registered for the class. Over 1200 people signed up for the free live event.


In December 2023

We launched our second course, Transforming Trauma: The Feminine Path to Unleash Your Innate Potential & Activate Your Inner Healer with no affiliates and 20 sold of the on demand course and some included a 5-week intimate healing circle with the course creator. We hosted 2 live events before enrolling in this event. Our most popular live event had 65 people attend live on zoom.


In January 2024

We created a mini-course, the 10 Faces of Trauma, for the people who did not purchase Transforming Trauma, and offered it as pay-what-you-can: $19, $38 or $56. Over 71 people purchased this offering, which was a beautiful way to share the work. With no website and an email offer only, this result was fantastic!

Not only did the course creator’s get paid a slice of the sales, they will get that slice every single time we sell their course.

You bring your unique genius, we’ll give you the support, strategies, and sacred space for them — and you — to manifest into their true potential.

Secure checkout. 7-Day Money-Back Guaranteed.

If this feels like an answer to your prayer, but something is still holding you back…

I know what you might be telling yourself:

“I’m so busy with other projects, I don’t think I’ll have the time.”

This is a 12-month, self-paced container because we know that sacred creations can’t be forced, they must be nurtured. Sometimes, we must wrestle our internal gremlins to the ground before we break through our self-imposed limitations and create something truly impactful. This all takes time and loving support — and inside the Creator’s Academy, you’ll find it.

“I’ve invested in so many things, but it hasn’t worked for me yet.”

From my year of experimentation working with course creators, I’ve learned that only those who had support actually completed their courses. The Creator’s Academy is here to address every gap preventing you from manifesting your creative dreams – from technical know-how to emotional support and a warm audience ready to buy and cheer you on, you’ll have it all.

“Is it really worth it? What will I have at the end of all this?”

At the heart of it, you’ll gain clarity on your unique gifts: who they serve, why they matter, and the transformation they bring. And ultimately, you’ll emerge with a tangible package of those gifts so that they’re delivered in a way that has the greatest possible impact, for both you and the people you serve. 

What we find is that the Creator’s Academy brings together the missing pieces of your business.

If that’s what you’re after and you take action — then yes, it will be so worth it.



A monthly cohort for busy spiritual women ready to discover just how powerful their work is, package it in a way that their soul clients want to consume it, and make money doing it

… without the tech or marketing overwhelm.

Secure checkout. 7-Day Money-Back Guaranteed.

You’ll walk away with:

A fully formed mini-course that is a tangible manifestation of your healing gifts that you are proud to share and your audience is eager to buy

Crystal clear clarity on how to articulate your unique genius in a way that deeply resonates with your ideal client and empowers them to work with you

Knowing the what, why, and how behind sharing your work in the online economy and calling in the people who need it, so you can expand your impact and income

A deep-rooted confidence in the value you bring to the table so you can stand out in your industry, attract the people you serve, and create the legacy you’re meant to

The opportunity to license your course or digital product to ESN to expand your reach, gain new audience members, and make passive income every time someone buys your course – forever

Becoming a valued member of a larger like-minded, big-hearted community and sisterhood, where mutual support, collaboration, and growth are the cornerstones of our collective journey

And here’s how we’ll do it…

What’s included:


2x Monthly LIVE Coaching & Implementation Calls

Twice monthly live support sessions with implementation advice, personalized feedback, and a hot seat coaching segment to fast-track your course creation and growth journey.


Monthly LIVE Creative-Midwife Session

Ok, we’re not going to lie. The creative process can take you down. If you’ve ever put your heart and soul into something, you know that sweat and tears are a part of it. It’s not that making a digital product is hard – quite the opposite – it’s just that a part of you has to die for the new you to emerge. And, that’s hard. That’s why we have a creative midwife.


Monthly LIVE Coaching Call for Wardrobe and Set Design on Video

Wow, the transformation we see when women shift their color and design from unconscious patterns of hiding to being seen in their authority and mastery – a powerful upleveling of confidence and professionalism happens.


Guest Expert Calls

Occasionally, we’ll bring in guest experts to support your branding, human design, messaging your work, how to run your business using your human design type and what basic tech you need to know to make a mini course…. and so much more.


Access To “How To Make A Mini-Course”

On demand video trainings, tools, and templates to give you a course-building roadmap from start to finish.


Access To “How to license your mini-course or digital product to the Evolving Sisters Network” (coming in Summer 2024)

When you license your digital product to our platform, you’ll want to know what the terms are and how you get paid.


Access To “How to Make $100k+ a year as a digital creator and mystic with a message.” (coming in Summer 2024)

The Creator’s Academy supports your business goals: Making a course or other digital product can be an essential part of how you, as a solopreneur, make a living. We draw from our flagship business course, the Business Mastery Accelerator, to support you in designing your business to make the kind of money you want.


Creator’s Academy Tangible Delivery Library

To be successful, creating digital products from your body of work takes a lot of mapping and refining. The worksheets in our tangible delivery library range from avatar research and questionnaires to defining and refining how to express your sacred medicine. These worksheets help draw out of you and structure the information that will be important to the creation process.

Plus, some pretty special bonuses:

Featured in the “Creator’s Academy Coaches & Healers Offer List” ($497 value)

Sharing your free gift or offer was never this easy. Members of the Creator’s Academy will benefit from having their free gift offering featured in the “Coaches & Healers Offer List,” accessible within the ESN Membership Vault as well as to new members within the ESN community. You’ll attract women who resonate with the solutions you provide so you can effortlessly expand your reach and grow your own list.

A Beautifully Designed & Expertly Written Course Sales Page Hosted on the ESN Platform ($2,000 value)

Hiring copywriters, graphic designers and tech developers are so expensive – and your course hasn’t even made money yet! For those who license their course, mini-course or challenge to the Evolving Sisters Network, we’ll take on the heavy lifting so you don’t have to.


VALUE: $2500

Today’s price:

Secure checkout. 7-Day Money-Back Guaranteed.

It worked for them, and it can work for you too:

Still wondering if this is for you?

The Creator’s Academy is for the…

Creative Spiritual Women

To put it simply: You’re a mystic with a message. You’re a spiritual creative, healer, or therapist who has a body of work that causes transformation in the areas of healing, empowerment, or leadership. You have proven that you have something valuable to share, and are seeking to open up new portals of income streams and opportunities.

Aspiring Course Creator

You have a burning desire to get your work out to a broader audience in the form of a course or digital product, but have no idea how to do it. You don’t understand tech, loathe marketing (and aren’t good at it). You’re feeling overwhelmed and behind the curve when it comes to the digital marketplace, but you know there’s something for you here.

The Feminine Leader

You already have created a course, a website, and have an established online presence — and now, you’re hungry for more. You want more visibility and to broaden your reach. You understand the value of being affiliated with a larger network to help you grow your community, increase credibility, and to expand your influence.

Secure checkout. 7-Day Money-Back Guaranteed.


What is the Creator’s Academy?

The Creator’s Academy is a program designed to help coaches, healers, therapists and lightworkers – mystics with a message – organize and package their existing body of work into a digital product for their own website or for license to the Evolving Sisters Network. We teach you to think like a marketing genius so that you not only get your work out to a wider audience and make money doing it, but your entire business uplevels as a result of speaking differently and powerfully to who you serve.

What is the Evolving Sisters Network?

The Evolving Sisters Network is a global platform supporting women to lead with their sacred power, free their voice and live their feminine frequency. We offer 1) a membership for spiritual women; 2) the Creator’s Academy for coaches and healers who want to make a course for sale in the Evolving Sisters online marketplace; 3) a leadership program for emergent feminine leaders; and 4) mini-courses to support your spiritual and personal growth.

How much does the Creator’s Academy cost? Can I get a refund?

The Creator’s Academy is a 12-month program that costs $1100 pay in full or $97/month for 12 months. You can stay in the program on a month-to-month basis after the 12-months. This payment plan is not a membership so it cannot be canceled before all payments are made. We have a 7-day refund policy, no questions asked.

Will this work if I’m a new coach or healer?

We believe everyone has sacred medicine to share with someone else. If you’re new to this work, you’re welcome to be here. Your first task will be to hone in on your message. We have a process for that and can’t wait to help you unearth your sacred medicine.

Does licensing to ESN cost more?

No, it does not cost extra to license your course or digital product to the Evolving Sisters Network.

What does “license to ESN” mean?

A license is a legal term that means that you, as the owner of the material, give ESN the right to use the content in the tangible medium of expression (the video, audio or other digital content) on an exclusive basis in a specific way. That means that no one else, including you, will be able to use the product. However, you retain the right to your work, so you can make another course for yourself under a different title, of course, even if it has the same content. It’s actually the content as displayed in that particular medium that is licensed, not your underlying body of work. I know this sounds like legal-ese, so if it’s confusing, do some googling or talk to an attorney. You never have to license your work to ESN, and we never have to accept it. You can use the Creator’s Academy as a container for your own creations.

Can I license one of my existing courses to ESN or does it have to be new?

No, at this time we only take bespoke content created just for ESN.

Can i join the Creator’s Academy later?

Yes, you can join anytime as long as the Creator’s Academy is still open. We do not, however, guarantee the current pricing or bonuses.

Don’t you have a membership? How are they different?

Yes, ESN has a membership that is for spiritual women on the path of healing, empowerment and evolutionary feminine leadership. You can find more about it at You can be a member of both the ESN Membership and the Creator’s Academy because they are for different purposes. The ESN Membership focuses on personal growth, connection, rituals, divine feminine archetypes, healing, sisterhood, and community. Whereas, the Creator’s Academy focuses on bringing your gifts and sacred medicine into the world – including through the platform of the Evolving Sisters Network.

What is the Creator Economy? Tell me more about it?

We’re glad you asked. Check out the video below.

Need support making your decision or still have questions?

No problem! We’re happy to help. Send us an email to and we’ll get back to you soon.

The Evolving Sisters Network is a legacy online platform to support and expand the empowerment and emergent leadership of divine feminine women to free their voices, heal the past and own their power through curated courses, inspired writings, sister circles, a community-based membership, the Creator’s Academy, and evolutionary feminine leadership training.

Disclaimer: The experiences and earnings shared on this page are personal to my journey and are provided for informational and motivational purposes only. Your background, dedication, desire, and motivation will impact your individual success. While I share the strategies and methods that have worked for me, I cannot guarantee you will achieve the same results. The average person who buys any “how-to” information gets little to no results. Your results will vary and depend on many factors, including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE FROM THIS PAGE.