Awakened Women… It’s YOUR Time!

Join Us for a Limited Free Series:

Activate Your Quantum Leadership with Kenlyn and Allison Conte

Intimate Dialogues with Healers and Visionary Leaders
on the Future of Feminine Leadership & Business

allison conte

Kenlyn Kolleen

kenlyn kolleen

Thursday, March 9, 2023 • 12:00 pm PT (90 minutes)

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Sister, you were born to inspire and lead.

It’s no accident you’ve been called into service to heal humanity and lead us into a new future.

You know this truth in your bones.

And, yet, your main obstacle is business. It’s one thing to master your craft as a healer and visionary. It’s quite another to master business and marketing.

To thrive and be successful in today’s world, you must be an expert at both or pay for an expensive team. The unfortunate part is that it takes you away from being a healer, and now you’re a solopreneur.

Solo. Alone.

You might be asking — is there another way?

This is the question I’ve been obsessed with as I worked with highly gifted Mystical Teachers and Creatrices in launching and building their 6-figure coaching and healing business. I’ve discovered that collaboration is key to a win-win future.

The third activation in this series is with former Harvard teacher, Allison Conte, who is dedicated to bringing the mystical to the feminine leadership model. Not only is she a scholar, priestess, and medicine woman, she is my newest collaborator. I’m delighted to activate the Sophia and Mary Magdalene codes in our session. 


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The third activation in this series is with former Harvard teacher, Allison Conte, who is dedicated to bringing the mystical to the feminine leadership model. Not only is she a scholar, priestess, and medicine woman, she is my newest collaborator. I’m delighted to activate the Sophia and Mary Magdalene codes in our session.”


The replay will be sent to all registrants.

Is a community of empowered women ready to support you in becoming the best version of yourself – confident, whole, and unstoppable. We stand for the feminine principles of love, unity, service, care of Mother Earth, and abundance for all.

The replay will be sent to all registrants.

Love Note For Kenlyn

“I have participated in other circles, and I have to say that I have received more than I expected by far in the Inner Circle with Kenlyn. The material is focused enough that I have grown in an area that has been very difficult for me in the past (finding my purpose and passion in a realistic way) and also open enough that it fits for anyone’s vision. Kenlyn has delivered more than what was promised and has spent extra time after calls and with bonus calls to help us grow and develop. Her passion, energy and commitment to empowering the divine feminine is always shining through.”

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